Wondering about your Soul Purpose? Explore and discover it through Quantum EFT.
Quantum EFT serves as an extension of TAPPING, seamlessly transitioning from EFT into the ‘quantumness’ of time, space, and place. It unfolds as a natural, organic, and spiritually grounded process, providing a safe energetic method to explore past, present, and future consciousness. This intergenerational exploration includes connections with those in spirit and experiences from past or other lifetimes that are pertinent to your healing journey.
In Quantum EFT, the practitioner’s heightened intuition takes the lead, driving client-focused sessions. A diverse range of questions are posed to clients, skillfully guiding them to uncover the origins of their issues and navigate the path toward healing.
During a session, the practitioner and client collectively set an intention for the highest learning, often engaging with the higher self and beings of wisdom. Together, they explore core issues, beliefs, patterns, and habits that the client seeks to transform, employing a variety of techniques throughout the process.
Clients in Quantum EFT have the opportunity to tap into various aspects, including:
- Generational beliefs and patterns
- Negative patterns or habits
- Clearing intergenerational promises, curses, or vows
- Forgiveness of self and others
- Utilizing spirit guides, angels, or the universe as their Counsel of Guides
- Generational beliefs and patterns
- Negative patterns or habits
- Clearing intergenerational promises, curses, or vows
- Forgiveness of self and others
Utilizing spirit guides, angels, or the
universe as their Counsel of Guides
This comprehensive approach allows for a holistic exploration and healing process during Quantum EFT sessions.
Information provided by Jenny Johnston creator of Quantum EFT.